Sleep Apnea Can Be Dangerous. Follow These Tips To Sleep Well.

Don’t panic if you’ve been told you suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can cause all sorts of problems, but with proper treatment, all of those negative outcomes can be avoided. However, you should learn all you can on the best treatments for sleep apnea. This is the intent of the below article.

Do you smoke and drink alcohol? If the answer is yes and you have sleep apnea, you need to stop both habits. These substances influence your airways. Smoking causes swelling in the airway. On the other hand, alcohol causes the airway to relax, much like sleeping pills. Eliminate drinking or smoking before bedtime if you can’t avoid them entirely.

Fighting back against sleep apnea often involves eating healthier and losing weight. A lot of people would be surprised to learn that eating badly makes sleep apnea worse. Studies show that people who eat low quality foods suffer from apnea worse than overweight people that eat healthy foods.

Get a chin strap to keep your mouth closed when you are sleeping with a CPAP or BIPAP machine. This inconspicuous piece of cloth will keep your chin up when you are asleep and your mouth from gaping open. Try out CPAP therapy for your mouth.

Try to sleep on your side instead of your back to breathe easier when you sleep. When you sleep on your back, the airways get obstructed due to the throat and nasal passages being more prone to obstruction. If you have trouble staying off your back, sew a tennis ball into the back of your pajamas to help you stay on your side. You may see a big difference in the quality of your sleep.

You must get treatment if you have sleep apnea. It will not resolve itself. There are various sleep apnea treatments for various people because no two cases are exactly alike. Losing weight will help minimize symptoms in many patients, but sleep apnea can occur in very thin individuals as well as those who are overweight. Some other options include CPAP machines or other devices. Some people find that they do best by having surgery that will help alleviate their symptoms. Regardless of the method you use, obtaining some type of treatment is essential to living a higher quality of life with this condition.

It is scary to get a diagnosis of sleep apnea. Fortunately, it is a condition that can be managed. Take the sleep apnea health care tips you’ve learned from this article and apply them to your life. Under improved circumstances that come from proper treatment, you can begin to overcome the challenges that sleep apnea poses to your daily living. Relate Post:

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